Meet weekly in the Osmun Rhoads Building across the street from the main Church, the address is 260 Lincoln Street!

 Contact Sherri to join and for more information: 908-340-9806 or email her at: smseidel2@gmail.com 
They meet every Thursday at 10 a.m.  THEY HAVE RESUMED!!
Sue Trauger’s Bible Study on the book of  James meet in the Crossbar on Tuesdays at 1pm & then again at 7pm, effective September 17th.
Fellowship with one another as a body of believers, friends & sisters in Jesus Christ.  
Please contact Sue for any updated information.
Our 2024 Women’s Ministry Leader:         Mrs. Susan Trauger, email:  susant54@verizon.net
Women’s Weekly Sunday School and Bible Study Class
Meeting in Ben Todd Hall at 12:30p.m. every Sunday
The book of Revelation is being studied.
Eileen Page is the facilitator of this class.
Please continually pray for the 2024 Women’s Ministry Team to seek to know and how to carry out the good plans that the LORD has for the women of Phillipsburg Alliance Church and the surrounding communities of New Jersey and Pennsylvania.     Thank you!!   
 Susan Trauger, P.A.C. Women’s Ministry Leader
Please contact Susan with any questions or comments at her email:  susant54@verizon.net
 In addition to any special events, the P.A.C. Women’s Ministry also conducts Sunday School classes, Bible Studies, a Meals Ministry, Prayer Breakfasts and other special events during the year.  There are Alliance District events and mini one-day retreats, as well as our own events that we hold throughout the year. Come out and make some new friends!